Thursday, July 16, 2015

Iran Nuclear Talks

Iran Nuclear Talks

          World power have reached a deal with Iran on limiting amounts of  Nuclear. US President Barack Obama said that with this deal, we have to cut off all the pathway of nuclear to Iran. The Negotiation between P5+1 Country and Iran, I mean this six powerful countries such as the US, UK, China, Russia, France and Hongkong began from 2006.
          Iran come out to confirmly show that our Nuclear work is in peace as long as others countries won't attack us.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Women is healthy and health is women

Women is healthy and health is women

75% of women always said they gain weight after doing various activities in their daily life. It's gain their “ Fat ”. When we talk about girl, we will immediately think about beauty, healthy and gentle.

First, most people don’t pay attention in a small things. As you can see the word “ gain weight ” and “ gain fat ” is obviously different. People who have 80Kg can have an extremely best health than the one who is slim. By the way you have more weight isn’t mean that you are fat, overweight or unhealthy. On the other hand if you’re getting fat and chubby from those Carbohydrate and fat. you can actually increase to 80Kg instantly and not having best health as you gain weight in the right way. The action of this fat increase is call “ overweight ”. It's a higher proportion of fat in the body than normal or healthy.

Consequently, we will specify deeply about women thinking about exercise. Most woman emotional is unpredictable. Some are nonsense, some are sensitive and some are including both. The first thing is most of woman often follow others people action without consideration. They just consume an information and decide to do without researching more to ensure about that news. People believe that they can become stronger by going fitness and playing sport especially men. In the past, Many women likely to stay at home, being a housewife and bring up their child. Nowadays, girl mostly change their mind about exercise, it can help them getting more healthier and having beautiful body shape as well as those muscle man but after all they get done, over half of 100% percent definitely say why we still get fat. This action is overeat after exercise because they think that using tons of energy burns way more calories than it actually does. And as a result, they may end up packing on a few pounds after a couple lap sessions.

In fact, those people should concern themselves more before saying like that. Exercise is good but you should prepare a meal for your health, food is very interesting. Every Calories we deserved is the most important factor. Depend on your purpose, you should calculate it carefully and design what food you will receive per day. If you want to lose weight you have to calculate (your body's weight in kilogram) multiply with 2.2 and 12. The result will be your calories you should deserved, by the way if you want to fit your body and gain weight for your muscle. You have to calculate the same but change the last two digit, I mean changing 12 to 18. It's just approximately calories, but believe me. It will help you so much. When you are on diet, cutting away from the junk food can easily step to weight loss, turn into eating fruit, yogurt, vegetable is nice but can you cutting from your favourite food? I though you

The best sport for the body shape is swimming. I prefer this along with the bodybuilding and doing cardio 4 times a week. The way you need to have best health is having a right nutrition, have an enough rest and doing exercise well.